
All stem cell technologies in the world
are in one now
with our professional team!


Production of all stem cell types in the world
in laboratories under special conditions
and customized treatment.

  • About Us

    GenCell provides worldwide service with its technological facilities and staff.

  • Laboratories

    Stem cell production under supervision of professionals specialized in their fields in laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

  • Treatment

    Diagnosis stages by experts before the treatment of more than 30 diseases with stem cells.

  • ALS

    With stem cell therapy, the progression of ALS disease can be slowed down and regressed, and even stopped completely.

  • Alzheimer

    Alzheimer’s disease is one of the types of dementia. However, it is one of the most common causes of dementia. It can be treated with stem cells.

  • Autism

    When Autism patients are treated with Stem Cell Therapy, the progression of the disease to a further extent is prevented and the current state is improved. After the treatment, cognitive development, increased learning capacity, being more adequate and diligent, information retention and retention for a longer period of time, increased environmental compliance, gastrointestinal (digestive) function development, and immune system development are observed.

  • Autoimmune Diseases

    With stem cell therapy, the progression of autoimmune diseases can be slowed down and regressed, and even stopped completely. The success rate of the treatment is proportional to the patient's age, the duration of the disease and the patient's condition.

  • Cerebral Palsy

    In cerebral palsy patients, stem cell therapy heals damaged brain cells, nerve and muscle cells. Preventing and minimizing disorders increases the patient's quality of life at home and in the community and reduces the problems related to the disease.

  • Cirrhosis

    It is a serious consequence of liver disease and is a deterioration of brain function due to this disease.

  • Coronary Heart Diseases

    There is no treatment method that directly strengthens the heart muscle other than stem cell therapy. Improvements at different levels were measured in 87% of patients receiving stem cell therapy for heart failure and ischemic heart diseases.

  • Cuban Cancer Vaccine

    The Cuban vaccine is a protein sub-unit vaccine that uses a small part of the virus to stimulate the immune response. The modified Cuban vaccine is the classic Cuban vaccine adapted for cancer treatment. The vaccine shows promise in the treatment of cancer with high efficacy rates.

  • Dementia

    With stem cell therapy, the progression of DEMENTIA disease can be slowed down and regressed. The success rate of the treatment is proportional to the patient's age, the duration of the disease and the patient's condition.

  • Impotance

    In patients with impotence (erectile dysfunction), stem cell therapy is the most successful treatment modality in erectile dysfunction in the world in terms of both ease of the treatment and definite successful results.

  • Infertility

    The diminished ovarian reserve (infertility) problem can be treated with stem cell therapy using the patient's own stem cells without any risks and side effects.

  • Lupus Disease

    With stem cell therapy, the progression of LUPUS disease can be slowed down and regressed, and even stopped completely. The success rate of the treatment is proportional to the patient's age, the duration of the disease and the patient's condition.

  • LYME

    With Stem Cell Therapy, the progression of 350 different diseases caused by LYME can be slowed down and regressed. With the overall improvement in the body, it relieves the immune system, muscle or joint-based symptoms caused by this disease, which significantly improves the patient's quality of life.

  • MS (Multiple Skleroz)

    With Stem Cell Therapy, the progression of the disease is greatly inhibited in MS (Multiple Sclerosis) patients and the existing situation of the patient is improved to a much better level. Stem cell therapy prevents autoimmune inflammation in the brain and repairs damaged brain and spine cells. Patients receiving this treatment at the beginning of the disease may return to their jobs.

  • Myolysis

    With stem cell therapy, the progression of Myolysis can be slowed down and regressed, and even stopped completely. The success rate of the treatment is proportional to the patient's age, the duration of the disease and the patient's condition.

  • Oligospermia

    Oligospermia can be treated with stem cell therapy, and patients who can not have children due to low sperm count are able to have children upon reaching the desired sperm quality and quantity after treatment. The success rate is 95% and above in patients who are eligible for treatment.

  • Parkinson’s Disease

    With stem cell therapy, the progression of Parkinson's disease can be slowed down and regressed, and even stopped completely. The success rate of the treatment is proportional to the patient's age, the duration of the disease and the patient's condition. As a result of the improvement in the muscles, the patient's quality of life increases significantly. The treatment of Parkinson's disease with stem cells is recognized as a new method that scientists are working on.

  • Rejuvenation with Stem Cells

    Genetically our biological clock at a certain age advances in the direction of aging. Stem cell therapy prevents this process, slowing down the aging of all our internal organs, joints, tissues and skin.

  • Skin Rejuvenation with Stem Cells

    From the age of 28-30, stem cells of our skin start decreasing since they die each passing year at a certain rate and cause aging and wrinkling. By replacing the missing cells with stem cell therapy, it is possible to remove the negative effects of years and turn back the clock.

  • Ulcerative Colitis

    With stem cell therapy, the progression of ULCERATIVE COLITIS disease can be slowed down and regressed, and even stopped completely. The success rate of the treatment is proportional to the patient's age, the duration of the disease and the patient's condition.



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Stem Cell

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