Diseases & Treatments

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Autism is a congenital neurobiological disorder which is considered to be the result of different structure or functioning of the brain and nervous system. Autism, which prevents a person from interacting with others and causes him/her to be confined to his/her inner world, usually manifests itself before the age of 3 and adversely affects the social communication, interaction and behavior of individuals.

For further details on Autism and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

Cuban Cancer Vaccine

Cuban cancer treatment vaccines function by increasing our immune system's ability to recognize and destroy antigens against cancerous cells. These vaccines can be used as a tool to fight cancer and, in some cases, can stop the growth of cancerous cells or help them regress.

For more detailed information about treatment with the Cuban cancer vaccine, click here.

Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia)

Oligospermia is that the number of sperm cells is less than 20 million sperm/ml in male patients. There is usually no specific symptom related to the disease. There may be more than one reason for the disease. There is no definite answer to whether oligospermia patients can naturally conceive.

For further details on Oligospermia disease and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

Diminished Ovarian Reserve in Woman (Infertility)

The causes of infertility in women may be due to many reasons. The most common causes are menstrual disorder and ovulatory dysfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, premature menopause or blocked tubes-adhesion of tubes. Similarly, hormonal disorders or structural abnormalities in fertility organs are also other causes of infertility.

For further details on Infertility in women and its treatment with stem cells, click here.


“Impotence” or in medical terms “erectile dysfunction” is a dysfunction in which erection, known as a physiological phenomenon in which the penis becomes firm, does not last long enough to have a sexual intercourse.  This is a functional disorder. For the diagnosis of this disease, impotence should be continuous or very frequent.

For further details on Impotence and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

Cirrhosis-Hepatic Encephalopathy (Hepatic Dysfunction)

Hepatic encephalopathy is a complex neuropsychiatric syndrome seen in patients with significant hepatic dysfunction. Significant liver dysfunction includes acute liver failure, large portosystemic shunts and cirrhosis.

For further details on Encephalopathy, Hepatic Dysfunction & Cirrhosis and their treatment with stem cells, click here.

MS (Multiple Sclerosis)

MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is the second most common cause of neurological disability after trauma in young people. It usually begins with recurrent attacks. Although these attacks last for at least 24 hours, they may last for a few weeks in general, and can resolve to a large extent or completely spontaneously or with medication.

For further details on MS disease and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

Lupus Disease

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is an idiopathic autoimmune disease that results from a defective immune system. Although it affects all organs, it mostly involves the skin, joints, kidneys, blood cells and nervous system.

For further details on Lupus Disease and its treatment with stem cells, click here.


Alzheimer’s disease is one type of dementia (diminished mental skills due to disease). However, it is the most common type of dementia. Although the cause of Alzheimer’s disease has not been fully identified, it is caused by premature death of brain cells or by shrinkage of these cells, resulting in them losing their activity.

For further details on Alzheimer’s disease and its treatment with stem cells, click here.


Parkinson’s disease is a slowly progressing neurodegenerative brain disease (progressing with loss of brain cells). It is thought that the symptoms such as loss or reduced sense of smell, sleep disturbances, constipation, tremor and slowing of movements begin years before the motor symptoms of the disease, therefore, means to prevent the progression of the disease are sought by diagnosis as early as possible of these non-motor symptoms appearing in the early stages of the disease.

For further details on Parkinson’s disease and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a state of physical disability. This disease occurs in infancy or childhood, and causes growth retardation. Early symptoms of the disease include: no laughing reflex and being difficult to calm down at the age of 2 months, difficulty in sucking and swallowing, difficulty in head control, not being able to sit without support, not being able to walk or say even single words at the age of 1 year. Children with CP also have balance and coordination problems and prefer to tiptoe.

For further details on Cerebral Palsy Disease and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

Rejuvenation with Stem Cells

There are many internal and external factors that cause aging of the human race.  One primary factor is decreasing reserves of stem cells over time. Apart from this, some of the factors triggering aging include not being able to stop time, unhealthy and sedentary life, ready meals, which are consumed more every day, stress, smoking, alcohol, excessive sugar consumption, reduced hormones due to aging (HGH, DHEA-SO4, testosterone, melatonin, estrogen etc.) and emergence of a number of various diseases.

For further details on Rejuvenation treatment with stem cells, click here.

ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

It is caused by the loss of motor nerve cells (neurons) in the spinal cord and the area called brain stem of central nervous system. Loss of these cells leads to weakness and wasting away (atrophy) of muscles.

For further details on ALS disease and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the layer (mucosa – submucosa) covering the inside of the large intestine. In the area of ​​inflammatory changes, ulcers occur in the mucosa, which is the coating layer covering the inner surface of the intestine. For this reason, the disease is called ulcerative colitis, which means disease characterized by ulcers.

For further details on Ulcerative Colitis and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

Ischemic Heart Disease - Coronary Heart Diseases

Cells need blood flow to maintain their lives and functions. This blood flow carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removes waste. The lack of blood flow enough to maintain the functions of the cell is called ischemia. In short, it is a decrease in blood flow.Diseases caused by failure to feed the heart muscle for various reasons are called ischemic heart diseases.

For further details on Ischemic Heart Disease – Coronary Heart Diseases and their treatment with stem cells, click here.

Muscular Dystrophy (Myolysis)

The disease is caused by shorter-than-normal making of the Dystrophin protein, which is a muscle protein, as a result of a disorder in the gene programming it. It is a genetic disease and there is X-linked inheritance because the chromosome carrying Dystrophin is the X chromosome (males have XY and females have XX chromosomes). Since males have only one X chromosome, the disease is only seen in males. In addition, the disease may occur due to mutations taking place while the infant is in the mother’s womb.

For further details on Muscular Dystrophy disease and its treatment with stem cells, click here.

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