Rejuvenation with Stem Cells
With REJUVENATION with stem cell therapy, the stem cells derived from your own fat will help you regain your lost youth and health cells. The success rate of the treatment is proportional to the patient's age, and the patient's condition.
- Stem cells have the ability to turn into the cells they have touched. Stem cells are therefore used in the REJUVENATION treatment.
- The number of cells to be administered is determined according to the age of the patient. Treatment is carried out using mesenchymal stem cells (derived from the patient's own adipose tissue or bone marrow).
- The treatment of the patient is decided according to the condition of the patient. It can be performed in 3 sessions 45 days apart or in 3 consecutive days.
- Stem cells are injected intravenously (by vascular access), while fibroblast autologous cells forming the connective tissue of the face are injected into the face.
- The treatment protocol is precisely adjusted according to the patient's condition and a different protocol may be applied for each patient.
- Stem cell rejuvenation treatment achieved 81% success in improvement of hair and skin, decline of biological age, improvement of functioning of internal organs and many other areas.
What is aging?
Although the reason of this is not known clearly, the system within our body that constantly heals us stops working at a given age and starts going backwards. Genetically, aging is the general name of the negative structural, functional and psychological changes that are pre-programmed and that occur within our structure. With aging, our body gradually loses its ability to repair itself and maintain a good life.
There are internal and external factors that cause aging of the human race. One primary factor is decreasing reserves of stem cells over time. Also, oxidative stress caused by free radicals generated in our body with advancing age is one of the main reasons of aging.
The effect of free radicals begins in the 30s and after the age of 50, these emerge as diseases. Growth hormone (HGH) decreases in adults with increasing age and causes weight gain, decrease in muscle quality and strength, decrease in cardiac function, deterioration of bone structure, sleep disorders and depressive mood.
Apart from this, some of the factors triggering aging include unhealthy and sedentary life, convenience foods, stress, smoking, alcohol, excessive sugar consumption, reduced hormones due to aging (HGH, DHEA-SO4, testosterone, melatonin, estrogen etc.) and emergence of a number of various diseases.
Stem cell rejuvenation treatment achieves success in improvement of hair and skin, decline of biological age, improvement of functioning of internal organs and in many other areas.
When do the organs begin to age?
The lungs begin to age after 20s and skin begins to age between the ages of 20-30 and ages 2% per year on average. The bones start aging in 30s, the heart in 40s, and they keep aging 1% per year on average. The brain begins to age in 30s, the ear in 30s, the eye in 30-40s, the liver in 40s, and their self-renewal is greatly reduced.
What are the other factors that accelerate aging?
Apart from genetic coding, there are many external factors that age human beings. One primary factor is decreasing reserves of stem cells over time. Other than that, an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle, consuming convenience foods, smoking, alcohol, excessive sugar consumption, certain diseases and autoimmune system disorders can also be considered among the aging factors.
What are the treatments and methods of rejuvenation?
- Non-surgical rejuvenation treatments (filling, botox, prp, etc.) do not stop cell death, they only change the appearance.
- Surgical treatments (aesthetic, medical surgeries) do not stop cell death, they only change the appearance.
- A dynamic lifestyle, natural diet and a life style which delays aging are other methods.
- Alternative medicine (mesotherapy, homeopathy, ozone therapy etc.)
- Stem cell rejuvenation therapy is used to prolong the life span by regulating the DNA upon reintroducing the dead cells or by intravenous administration.
What is Rejuvenation with Stem Cells?
Stem Cells are the main cells that make up all tissues and organs in our body which are constantly active and continuously replenish our whole body or treat any areas required. If any cells in tissues or organs are damaged, stem cells turn into those cells and treat organs and tissues. They have unlimited ability to multiply.
If they are collectively directed to a certain region, they will help that region to heal. They heal aging cells and they treat the immune system and related diseases. Stem cell therapy is preferred not only for a single disease, but also for the health of the whole body and thus our immune system would be strengthened and measures would be taken against possible diseases.
Staying young and rejuvenating will be the most expected result of stem cell application. Stem cells, which are produced without medication and from one's own cells, are administered back to the person without additives and in this sense it is called the only natural method in the world.
So when we think about the reasons to use stem cell application, it would be accurate to state "to rejuvenate, to stay healthy and to get healed".
Rejuvenation Treatment with Stem Cells
- They will stimulate the body's internal stem cells, correct the functions of the internal organs, strengthen your immune system and make you feel more energetic and happy. As a result, you will feel rejuvenated internally and externally.
- Treatment is carried out using mesenchymal stem cells (derived from the patient's own adipose tissue or bone marrow).
- Stem cells derived from your own fat and injected into the aging body will help you regain your youth and health cells you have lost.
- Stem cells will replenish your reserves and initiate self-renewal processes in all of your organs and tissues.
Stem cells are injected intravenously (by vascular access), while fibroblast autologous cells forming the connective tissue of the face are injected into the face. Rejuvenation with Stem Cell therapy can be administered at our GenCell Stem Cell Treatment Center in Kiev, Ukraine.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does rejuvenation treatment with stem cells cause cancer or trigger cancer?
Rejuvenation treatment with stem cells by no means causes cancer nor triggers it. The stem cells used in the treatment are the individual's own cells and it is not possible for them to turn into cancer.
Can rejuvenation treatment with stem cells be repeated or should it be repeated?
Rejuvenation treatment with stem cells can be repeated according to the age and the condition of the person.
Scientific Studies:
- Demchuk M.P., Ivankova O.V., Klunnyk M.O., Matiyashchuk I.G., Sych N.S., Sinelnyk A.A., Skalozub M.V., Sorochynska K.I. and Arkhypenko I.V. Use of Fetal Stem Cells for Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation Therapy // Journal of Regenerative Medicine, Volume 6, Issue 1. – 2017.
- Nataliia Sych, Mariya Klunnyk, Iryna Matiyashchuk, Mariya Demchuk, Olena Ivankova, Andriy Sinelnyk, Halyna Kuzmenko, Marina Skalozub and Khrystyna Sorochynska. Fetal Stem Cells Use as Antiaging and Rejuvenation Strategies // Journal of Cosmetology & Trichology, Volume 3, Issue 3. – 2017.
- Demchuk M.P., Ivankova O.V., Klunnyk M.O., Matiyahchuk I.G., Sych N.S., Sinelnyk A.A., Shulak M.M., Skalozub M.V. and Sorochynska K.I. Use of Fetal Stem Cells for Slowing Down Aging of the Spine. // Journal of Cosmetology & Trichology, Volume 6, Issue 3. – 2017.
- Cuban Cancer Vaccine
- Autism
- Oligospermia
- Infertility
- Impotance
- Cirrhosis
- MS (Multiple Skleroz)
- Lupus Disease
- Alzheimer
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Cerebral Palsy
- Skin Rejuvenation with Stem Cells
- Rejuvenation with Stem Cells
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Coronary Heart Diseases
- Myolysis
- Dementia
- Stroke – Brain Paralysis
- Autoimmune Diseases